Mass Times
Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Saturday: 4 PM
Monday thru Friday 8 AM
8:30 AM daily (after 8 AM Daily Mass)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays: 3-3:30 PM
Masses will be live-streamed on YouTube channel StMarkJTN Live. You can subscribe to the channel or simply click here to watch.
Sunday at 8 AM
Monday thru Friday at 8 AM
Pastor: Rev. Thomas J. Ferland
Pastor Emeriti: Rev. William J. O'Neill, Rev. Stephen P. Amaral, & Rev. W. Douglas Grant
Secretary: Ms. Marie Lachapelle
Maintenance: Mr. Bob Clow
Religious Ed.: Mrs. Christina Smith
Parish Bookkeeper: Mrs. Kerri Caduto
Music Director: Ms. Andrea Theroux
Welcome to our parish! If you would like to be a registered member of our parish, please click the link below to access the registration form. If you have any questions, please contact our parish secretary, Marie, at 401-423-1421 or
We would like to have an ensemble of musicians and choir to play and sing for Fr. Ferland's installation Mass on Saturday, September 7 at 4:00 pm.
If you are interested in participating with your musical talent for this joyous event OR are interested in participating in the music ministry in any capacity moving forward, please click the
We would like to have an ensemble of musicians and choir to play and sing for Fr. Ferland's installation Mass on Saturday, September 7 at 4:00 pm.
If you are interested in participating with your musical talent for this joyous event OR are interested in participating in the music ministry in any capacity moving forward, please click the blue button below and complete the Music Interest Survey or contact our music minister Andrea Theroux at
ALL are welcome !
There is still a lot of summer left, but in order to ensure that we have enough materials for all students, registration for new and returning families is now open!
Again this year, we will be registering through our online giving platform, please click the blue link below and follow the instructions on the Religious Education button,
If y
There is still a lot of summer left, but in order to ensure that we have enough materials for all students, registration for new and returning families is now open!
Again this year, we will be registering through our online giving platform, please click the blue link below and follow the instructions on the Religious Education button,
If you have any questions, please contact Christina Smith (
The Food Pantry is located in the Church basement and is open on Monday's and Friday's from 9am -11am
Walk -ins are welcome, no need to pre-register
The Food Pantry is maintained completely by volunteers with donations from our parishioners and local community.
We are always grateful for your donations of unexpired, non perishable food item
The Food Pantry is located in the Church basement and is open on Monday's and Friday's from 9am -11am
Walk -ins are welcome, no need to pre-register
The Food Pantry is maintained completely by volunteers with donations from our parishioners and local community.
We are always grateful for your donations of unexpired, non perishable food items, personal care items and cleaning supplies.
Currently needed are:
Tuna Fish
Canola Oil
Long Cooking Rice
Laundry Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Shampoo & Body Wash
Items can be placed in the orange bins at each of the side doors weekday mornings before noon or around Mass times on weekends. May God continue to bless you as we care for those who are in need.
On the first Tuesday of each month beginning at 6pm, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the altar for prayer and adoration. The evening will conclude at 8pm with the celebration of Benediction.
Everyone is welcome, invite a friend to join!
Beginning on May 4, 2024, our Parish will begin the practice of celebrating Mass on consecutive Five First Saturdays of the month. This means practically that we will have an 8am Mass dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the First Saturday of May, June, July, August and September. This devotion is born from the apparition of the
Beginning on May 4, 2024, our Parish will begin the practice of celebrating Mass on consecutive Five First Saturdays of the month. This means practically that we will have an 8am Mass dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the First Saturday of May, June, July, August and September. This devotion is born from the apparition of the Blessed Mother to the children at Fatima in Portugal in 1917.
The prayer group meets on the first Thursday of the month in the main church at 7pm. It also offers intercessory prayer daily for parishioner requested needs.
The book title for July/August is “Women Made New!: Reflections on Adversity, Transformation, and Healing” by Crystalina Evert. This book features stories of twelve women who overcame personal trials and traumas to become champions of the Kingdom of God. Included are powerful and inspiring stories from Mother Angelica, Teresa Tomeo, Ca
The book title for July/August is “Women Made New!: Reflections on Adversity, Transformation, and Healing” by Crystalina Evert. This book features stories of twelve women who overcame personal trials and traumas to become champions of the Kingdom of God. Included are powerful and inspiring stories from Mother Angelica, Teresa Tomeo, Catherine Hadro, Joy Pinto, Johnnette Benokovic-Williams, Dr. Kimberly Scipione, and celebrated women saints such as Teresa of Avila and Joan of Arc. Included will be a spiritual defense plan and helpful resources to help you along the path to wellness.
We will meet in late August at a date to be announced.
As you may have noticed by the warm weather we are having, SUMMER has arrived! With summer comes vacations with time away, friends and family visiting and hopefully some relaxing time. So….. our Monthly Thursday morning coffee an’ will also be taking some time off for the months of July and August. Have no fear we will be back in Septe
As you may have noticed by the warm weather we are having, SUMMER has arrived! With summer comes vacations with time away, friends and family visiting and hopefully some relaxing time. So….. our Monthly Thursday morning coffee an’ will also be taking some time off for the months of July and August. Have no fear we will be back in September. We look forward to seeing you then. Enjoy these warm lazy days of Summer!
Youth Group is open to all young people in grades 8-12, so come and join us to share in faith, community, and service! (and food!)
Youth Group will reconvene in September - check back for more information!
With your generous donations, the 2024 Saint Mark Parish Flag Tribute has been a wonderful success.
In total, the Chapel Fund of the Rhode Island Veterans’ Home in Bristol, RI will receive $3,102 from this program!
Flags will be displayed on our church grounds from June 14th - July 4th.
Click the blue box below to see previous announcements
St. Mark Parish now has online giving as an option for all parishioners and visitors through WeShare, which is a safe and secure site that many other Catholic parishes use.
Formed is an online service that the parish has purchased which features a collection of Catholic resources created by the Augustine Institute. Simply go to and search for our parish (Saint Mark Church or 02835), choose sign up as a parishioner and you will be prompted to create a free account. Once you have an account, you can sign in on any smart device or TV.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Copyright © 2021 St. Mark Church - All Rights Reserved.