Mass Times
Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Saturday: 4 PM
Monday thru Friday 8 AM
8:30 AM daily (after 8 AM Daily Mass)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays: 3-3:30 PM
Masses will be live-streamed on YouTube channel StMarkJTN Live. You can subscribe to the channel or simply click here to watch.
Sunday at 8 AM
Monday thru Friday at 8 AM
Pastor: Rev. Thomas J. Ferland
Pastor Emeriti: Rev. William J. O'Neill,
Rev. Stephen P. Amaral, &
Rev. W. Douglas Grant
Secretary: Ms. Marie Lachapelle
Maintenance: Mr. Bob Clow
Religious Ed.: Mrs. Christina Smith
Parish Bookkeeper: Mrs. Kerri Caduto
Music Director: Ms. Andrea Theroux
Welcome to our parish! If you would like to be a registered member of our parish, please click the link below to access the registration form. If you have any questions, please contact our parish secretary, Marie, at 401-423-1421 or
Schedule of Ash Wednesday Services 8am - Celebration of Mass with Distribution of Ashes
4pm - Liturgy of the Word with Distribution of Ashes
7pm - Celebration of Mass with Distribution of Ashes
The book The Peaceful Path of Hope by Alice Camille is available at the church entrances for parishioners to enjoy reading during this Lenten season. Please be sure to take a copy of the book home with you.
Did you know that socks and underwear are the most requested items by homeless shelters? Yet they are the items least donated to shelters. During this Lenten season, the Outreach Ministry will collect these items to benefit the following agencies:
Did you know that socks and underwear are the most requested items by homeless shelters? Yet they are the items least donated to shelters. During this Lenten season, the Outreach Ministry will collect these items to benefit the following agencies:
Needed are new, unopened packages of socks and underwear for men, women and children in all sizes.
Donations will be accepted beginning March 8 through March 30.
Any brand is acceptable. For those who would like to order online form Amazon please click the blue wishlist button below.
May God bless you for your care and compassion for those less fortunate whom we try to help!
Saturdays 2:30pm - 3:30pm
(except Holy Saturday)
by appointment
Stations of the Cross with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place on Wednesdays during Lent, at 7:00 pm except February 26 due to our Parish Mission that week.
Praying the Stations of the Cross is a wonderful way to help us come closer to Jesus during this time of Lent and to prepare for Easter.
Wednesday, March 12 at 5:30pm & Wednesday, April 9th at 5:30pm
Take time out of your busy life and join us for a simple supper and community as a reminder to stay focused on sacrifice and abstinence during Lent.
No registration required. All are welcome!
March 18 and April 8 at 9:00 am or 7:00 pm
Join Fr. Tom in discussing our Lenten Journey as Disciples of Hope.
We will host a Parish Mission on March 24, 25 & 26 at 7:00 pm
Fr. David Gaffney from St. Bernard in North Kingstown will lead us in a mission focused on the Hope we have as Christians. Each evening will begin at 7:00 pm. The evening will include the celebration of Mass and last approximately an hour. Come to all evenings or as many
We will host a Parish Mission on March 24, 25 & 26 at 7:00 pm
Fr. David Gaffney from St. Bernard in North Kingstown will lead us in a mission focused on the Hope we have as Christians. Each evening will begin at 7:00 pm. The evening will include the celebration of Mass and last approximately an hour. Come to all evenings or as many as you can.
Fr. Gaffney will also be the homilist at the 4 pm Mass on March 22 &
the 10:30 am Mss of March 23
The Seder is a ritual feast celebrated as part of the Jewish Passover celebration. It is also the meal where we recognize that Jesus "broke bread" and we continue to acknowledge this every Sunday during the Eucharist. This interactive dinner of reading, prayer, and food, will walk us through the symbols of our faith - such as the tears
The Seder is a ritual feast celebrated as part of the Jewish Passover celebration. It is also the meal where we recognize that Jesus "broke bread" and we continue to acknowledge this every Sunday during the Eucharist. This interactive dinner of reading, prayer, and food, will walk us through the symbols of our faith - such as the tears of the Israelites (in salt water), the promises God made to Moses, and unleavened bread.
We’ll once again hold this parish wide event during Lent on Monday, March 31 at 5pm. Registration will be required, please check back for more details.
The presentation of the gifts symbolizes the community's offering their lives, work, and commitment to God. It also helps the community to take an active role in our Eucharistic celebration. Representatives of the people bring forward the bread and wine that will become the Body and Blood of Christ.
This opportunity is open to all who par
The presentation of the gifts symbolizes the community's offering their lives, work, and commitment to God. It also helps the community to take an active role in our Eucharistic celebration. Representatives of the people bring forward the bread and wine that will become the Body and Blood of Christ.
This opportunity is open to all who participate in the Mass. There will be a small wooden cross on the offertory table behind the last pew, if you are interested in bringing up the gifts during that Mass, please take it with you to your pew when you arrive and return it to the table when you bring up the bread and wine.
St. Mark Parish will be having inquiry sessions for:
- anyone interested in deepening their
understanding of the Roman Catholic Faith,
- anyone wanting to complete their Initiation into
the Church by completing the Sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation and/or Holy Communion
St. Mark Parish will be having inquiry sessions for:
- anyone interested in deepening their
understanding of the Roman Catholic Faith,
- anyone wanting to complete their Initiation into
the Church by completing the Sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation and/or Holy Communion
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 19, 2024
If interested : please contact the Parish Office by phone (401)423-1421 or email
The Confirmation II class attended the Catholic Youth Rally held at Christ the King in Kingston. It was a great day filled with fun, prayer and music.
Learn more about our program by clicking the link below.
Wondering what other events and activities happen at St. Mark throughout the year?
Click the blue box below to see previous announcements
The Food Pantry is located in the Church basement and is open to all those in need. Weekly hours are Monday and Friday from 9am -11am, except for holidays. Walk -ins are welcome, no need to pre-register.
The Food Pantry is maintained completely by volunteers with donations from our parishioners and local community. We are always grateful for your donations of unexpired, non perishable food items, personal care items and cleaning supplies. Donations may be left in the orange bins at the side entrances or on the table downstairs.
Weekday Coffee Hour
All are invited to gather in the church hall for coffee, tea and conversation on the THIRD Thursday of each month after the morning mass - 8:30 am. It’s an informal way to come together with other parishioners and meet old and new members of the parish. Coffee an’ will be provided this month.
Sunday Coffee Hour
We wil
Weekday Coffee Hour
All are invited to gather in the church hall for coffee, tea and conversation on the THIRD Thursday of each month after the morning mass - 8:30 am. It’s an informal way to come together with other parishioners and meet old and new members of the parish. Coffee an’ will be provided this month.
Sunday Coffee Hour
We will also host a coffee hour on
March 16th from 8:45am - 10am
in the church hall . All are welcome!
The prayer group meets on the first Thursday of the month in the main church at 7pm. It also offers intercessory prayer daily for parishioner requested needs.
First Thursdays of the Month at 9:00 am in the Parish Hall. All are welcome!
St. Mark Parish now has online giving as an option for all parishioners and visitors through WeShare, which is a safe and secure site that many other Catholic parishes use.
Formed is an online service that the parish has purchased which features a collection of Catholic resources created by the Augustine Institute. Simply go to and search for our parish (Saint Mark Church or 02835), choose sign up as a parishioner and you will be prompted to create a free account. Once you have an account, you can sign in on any smart device or TV.
Monday - Wednesday: 9:00AM to 1:00PM